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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Default OT Very, Scary Experience

wrote in news:q4br449bughh6d4kjl812t7lf4b676qdk9@

> On Mon, 9 Jun 2008 16:43:20 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas
> > wrote:
>>Kathleen > wrote in
>>Kathleen......... I was very privileged during the late 80's to be
>>invited to become an instructor of a very exclusive club in Perth,
>>Western Australia.
>>It was a female only club, and all the members of the 'club' had been
>>(at some stage) subjected to violence, and in most cases, rape.
>>It took a long while for them to accept me (I had initially sent my

>>partner along for training because she was going back to Queensland by
>>herself) but after they did, I taught them the most dirtiest, most
>>lethal, most damaging methods of 'staying alive'.
>>To see the outcome from at the end of the course, was a very

>>time of my life.

> Thanks from all women, Peter!

It was my pleasure, and still is.

I pity the poor bloke that tries anything on with my SO ;-)

Peter Lucas

The path of a warrior never deviating,
one has to become not just a part of nature
but a force of nature,
acting in accordance with the laws of the universe.
(Getsumei No Michi, the Moonlit Path)