"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> http://permianbasin360.com/content/fulltext/?cid=5596
> Tomato Warnings Go Nationwide
> Reported by: Stefanie Jay
> Sunday, Jun 8, 2008 @11:38pm CST
> Tomato warnings go nationwide. Salmonella outbreaks spread to 16 states!
> Federal authorities say large tomatoes, including roma and round red, are
> to blame. Their studies show cherry and grape tomatoes should be safe to
> eat. The number of confirmed salmonella cases in the lone star state that
> are connected to tomatoes has grown to 56!
> << Back
Thanks for the heads up, Dimitri.
We're big tomato eaters here and eat them on a daily basis (of the fresh
and/or canned variety). Both my hubby and one of our 20-month-old twin
daughters came down with some sort of stomach flu (nausea/vomiting,
diarrhea) this past week (both cases lasting several days). I did
prepare/serve tomatoes (mostly roma) on several occasions during the past
week, but neither of our twins consumed them. My hubby, our 5-year-old
daughter, my visiting FIL, and I all ate the tomatoes, and only my hubby got
sick. It's a "go figure."