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KW[_1_] KW[_1_] is offline
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Default Tomato problems (Recall)

"Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message
> KW wrote:
>> "Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message
>> m...
>>> Dimitri wrote:
>>>> Tomato Warnings Go Nationwide
>>>> Reported by: Stefanie Jay
>>>> Sunday, Jun 8, 2008 @11:38pm CST
>>>> Tomato warnings go nationwide. Salmonella outbreaks spread to 16
>>>> states! Federal authorities say large tomatoes, including roma and
>>>> round red, are to blame. Their studies show cherry and grape
>>>> tomatoes should be safe to eat. The number of confirmed salmonella
>>>> cases in the lone star state that are connected to tomatoes has
>>>> grown to 56! << Back
>>>> --
>>>> Old Scoundrel
>>>> (AKA Dimitri)
>>> Before I knew of the warning, I purchased some Campari tomatoes from
>>> Costco. I immediately noticed that the tomatoes were not from their
>>> usual source in Arizona, but were from Canada. Campari tomatoes are
>>> tomatoes on the vine, so I presume that Costco is being proactive in
>>> this. Janet

>> More than likely, it is simply a result of changing seasons and which
>> business unit is in active production. The Campari brand is owned by
>> Mastronardi Produce LTD and they own/operate greenhouses in both
>> Canada and Arizona alternating production every 6 months to take
>> advantage of local climate to mitigate production costs.
>> KW

> Yes, I know. However, in years past, there has been no change in
> country/state of origin seasonally (according to labeling). That is why I
> was speculating that since Costco had the relationship they changed to
> Canada tomatoes to be on the safe side. Or, perhaps, since Arizona was on
> the bad list, the producers suggested the change to avoid total loss of
> revenue.
> Janet

That is strange on the labeling deal....because when I last visited their
corp offices on business, they were only producing/shipping product out of
one facility per season so one would think the labeling would follow along
with country of origin. Canada June-November and Arizona December-May.
Perhaps they have added local sourcing since then. Either way, they are a
great company and I trust they are doing the right thing for their