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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Default OT Very, Scary Experience

"Giusi" > wrote in

> someone asked out of the blue, "What are you wearing today?" I was
> beyond tickled, because I had just walked in from a posh trip to Rome
> and I was dressed to kill, even to jewelry.

Here's an OT subject :-)

As you type, right now...... what are you wearing?

Me....... @ 12:45am....... boots, two pairs of cotton socks, turnout pants,
station t-shirt, pager, station mobile phone. It's been my standard for the
last 7 days.

Ready, waiting.

Peter Lucas

The path of a warrior never deviating,
one has to become not just a part of nature
but a force of nature,
acting in accordance with the laws of the universe.
(Getsumei No Michi, the Moonlit Path)