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Barney Fifet
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Default Karen's "foster son"

> Jonathan Ball wrote:
> > No kid "knows" he's queer at age nine. That's one of the politically
> > motivated myths of the queer movement.


Here it is again a truck stop educated cultural descendant of the klukluxklan
makes statements as fact when he has no clue what he is talking about. Unless
he is speaking from personal knowledge and he himself did not know he was ***
until age ten, their is now way he can make such a claim. On the other hand
all *** people know they are *** in the same way that all hetro sexual people
do. The real myth is that those that fought and lost the civil war never got
over the LOSER status they got from it. That is why white southern
protestants never stop waving their bible in hopes of being something other
than a cultural descendant of slave traders. And they never stop waving their
flags (north and south) because they hope everyone will forget these benidict
arnolds did everything they could to destroy this nation. After a half
million Americans died they were forced to submit and admit defeat. You see
the same mentality in this mans nonstop attempts to redeem himself using the
same method that brought him down. These types never give up. After the civil
war they kept up their evil with bible in one arm and lynching noose in the
other. Now they got Rush to soothe their troubled minds. Guilt is a powerful
thing that is passed on generation to generation. It's effects can be found
in many aspects of these culturally retarded morons! The north won the war!
Evil always looses. *** bashing Rush Limbaugh propaganda is most commonly
spewed by closeted homosexuals paranoid that the world will read their nasty
thoughts they constanstly spew denials in the form *** bashing. Well I am not
buying it.