European cafes versus American
On Jun 10, 7:29 pm, Tony Verhulst > wrote:
> We have waaay different attitudes toward drinking coffee. Drinking
> coffee for taste is the *only* reason that i drink coffee - even if it
> means bringing my own home roast into work each day (and it does). I
> don't order coffee in restaurants because I'm pretty much guaranteed to
> leave it barely touched because I find it unacceptable. YMMV.
Noooo -- we don't. I didn't say how much I drink -- a cup may seem
unacceptable to you, although comparatively, to me anyway, it puts my
level of unacceptability closer to you, than, say, drinking the whole
pot, which I've been known to do some distant ages long ago.
Besides, who's to say it's a restaurant. What if I'm hanging out in a
transmission shop? I'm not too proud to deny I had a half a cup at a
dealership the other day, after stopping by late morning to ream out
their title/prep guy. One of those nasty Mr. Coffee things obsequious
to transacting obscure corners placed in most businesses, even if I
wasn't complaining in particular about its horrid taste.
At a restaurant, though to be fairer, I may have half-a-cup refill
more, or even two cups. Besides, somebody has to help defray runaway
commodity and energy prices to operate an establishment these days.
Certainly isn't the cute gals serving bubbling outgoing friendliness
to me -- certainly not at a quarter or less change gratuity above a
couple bucks I leave for the price of a coffee.
You know what's the really sad part about all this, the shame. . .what
I were ask one of them home, say she drinks coffee, and offer her an
espresso once we're comfortably seated on the white leather couch
before a glass-top coffee table. I've got to think twice and be very
careful about doing that, as there's some likelihood she'll never have
had a cup prepared Italian style. The reaction may be one unfounded
aversion to sheer strangeness and false, though a common presumption
espresso is entirely too strong and extraordinarily "loaded up" with
They don't get that way for nothing. -Anon.