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'Six Million Ethiopians Need Food Now'
On Jun 11, 9:47 am, St Georges Day April 23rd
> wrote:
> As a percentage of world inhabitants, the white population will
> plummet to a single digit (9.76%) by 2060 from a high-water mark of
> 27.98% in 1950.
> Using 2010 as the base reference, the big gainer in the population
> derby will be blacks or sub-Sahara Africans. This group will expand
> almost 133% to 2.7 billion by 2060. By the middle of this century
> blacks will represent 25.38% of world population, which is up
> dramatically from the 8.97% they recorded in 1950.
> The other groups measured in the study were the Central Asians
> (Indians), East Asians (Chinese and Japanese), the Southeast Asians,
> Arabic (North Africa and the Middle East), and Amerindian-Mestizo
> (Mexican and Central America). All these groups will experience a
> population growth. The Chinese/Japanese and Indians will trade
> rankings and the relative global presence of the other groups will
> remain more or less constant.
> The big population story of the 21st Century is shaping up to be the
> status reversal of whites and blacks and the Indian baby boom. A side
> bar will be the single digit minority role that whites will assume. Of
> the 7 population groups studied, only whites are projected to sustain
> an absolute decline in numbers.
> In 1950 whites and blacks were respectively 27.98% and 8.97% of world
> population. By 2060 these figures will almost reverse as blacks surge
> to 25.38% and whites shrink to 9.76%. From 2010 the white population
> will decline while blacks will add 1.2 billion to their numbers. In
> this time frame the the Indian subcontinent will gain 1.2 billion
> people. These groups and their governments will be looking for elbow
> room, and the diminished presence of whites in Europe, and especially
> in the relatively wide open spaces North America, will provide such an
> opportunity. Specifically, countries like Canada, the United States,
> Argentina, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia can expect to be
> pressured to accept collectively hundreds of millions of refugees from
> India, and sub-Sahara Africa.
> http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.o...p?b=population
They should eat each other, they're happy, we're happy.