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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Jam, jelly and jello

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:26:17 +0000, James Silverton wrote:

> What follows is IMHO! "Jam", as a spread containing fruit, is known but
> not used very frequently in my part of the world. It's a bit ambiguous
> since "preserve" should cover all such things but often means "jam".
> "Jelly" is used when the solids have been strained out and should
> actually be a gel, ie., not fluid. "Jello", once a tradename, is a clear
> fruit-flavored dessert using gelatin or sometimes things like agar to
> achieve the result. Fruit butters contain rather more of the original
> fruit than jam. Apple butter is something like thick apple sauce.

Thanks James. That's why I love this group ;-) I looked them up on "Cook's
Thesaurus' which usually answers my questions, but even that had me a bit

Chatty Cathy

Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...