"Tracy" > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
>> "Tracy" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> From the Boston Globe food section:
>>> Chocolate Dribble Cake.
>>> http://tinyurl.com/3wt5a5
>> Oh now this is beautiful. Are you making it?
> Well, I plan to. Going to a wedding this weekend but I am invited to a
> garden party thing next weekend and also a christening bbq (if that makes
> sense). I'd like to bring it to one of those events if it's not too hot to
> bake. I've never made 7 minute frosting - so that will be a new challenge
> for me.
My mother made this kind, and it has a nice consistency. It is the kind that
forms a thin, delicious crust. I love buttercream frosting best, but the
of 7-minute and the chocolate and butter glaze sound fantastic.