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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Porky baby....Mom ain't so hot either

On Jun 11, 8:23*am, "Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote:
> "Goomba" > wrote in message
> ...> What kinda rocks in her head does this mom have? What 18 month old needs a
> > baby bottle with Coca Cola in it?? *And this child would eat better if mom
> > didn't offer up the crap.....

> >

> snippage
> Is mom trying out for the Maury Povich show where he has moms bring out
> their 812 lb. six year olds in their underpants and cry, 'I can't stop
> them'......''they'll cry if I don't give them a whole fried chicken, 6 lbs..
> of bacon and three dozen eggs and 18 donuts for breakfast'......fix them
> Maury, but don't ask me to accept responsibility for this......
> Duh, I guess it is too PC to do what our parents used to do......remember
> 'if you don't stop crying over something so silly I'm going to give you
> something to cry for?' *Let the beach ball with feet cry. * Give them what
> they NEED to keep them healthy not what they DEMAND. *I like the Brit show
> with a nutritionist named Jillian McKenna (I think that is her last
> name).....she flat out tells them you are killing yourself and your kids.
> -ginny

TLC used to have programs like that - there were two different series,
each with a different nutritionist-host. They would show how the fat
kids would look as variously-aged adults. Sometimes the family would
appear to be successful in changing habits, and sometimes not.

I don't understand why parents don't learn to say, "No," more often?
Kids, especially toddlers, really don't have any rights except for
housing, sufficient food, and clothing. They shouldn't be ruling the

The new definitions of obese make that toddler AND her mom look
obese. Look at the baby's neck fat, arm fat and the big crease at her
wrist. Some of this is "baby fat," but seeing mom's face and neck, I
would guess the whole family is pudgy/fat/obese, and the mom's just in
