Fathers Day Menu
Serene Vannoy > wrote in
> kilikini wrote:
>> Dimitri wrote:
>>> Mine is up in the air;
>>> Who's cooking?
>>> What's cooking?
>>> Tonight a BIL & his wife are coming down the coast. Scored some 15%
>>> ground beef @ $1.59 per pound. It's been a long time I think I'll
>>> make Chili Size.
>> We're attending a Usenet group cook-in thingy on Sunday, but it's
>> associated with cats (RPCA for those of you in the know). I still
>> don't know what I'm bringing, though! The main dishes being served
>> by the hostess are lasagna with a tossed salad and garlic bread.
>> Most other folks are bringing desserts. I'm thinking along the lines
>> of maybe, appetizer-ish. Something that will easily travel for about
>> an hour and a half. I've got resources, I just need to tap into
>> them. :~)
> Antipasto salad?
> Prosciutto and melon?
> The stuff to make bruschetta?
> A big Caprese salad?
> Stuffed mushrooms? (I'd refrigerate them, then carry them in a cooler,
> then heat them there, if that's possible.)
> Serene
Mrs...hidden tatts and funny hats posted this one a while ago . I has
always interested me but I never have tried it.
@@@@@ Now You're Cooking! Export Format
Barb's Smokey Bacon & Swiss Stuffed Pickles
4 oz grated aged swiss cheese
2 tbsp cream cheese, softened
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tsp brown mustard
2 tbsp diced roasted red pepper
4 slices bacon, diced, cooked and drained
* 1/4 cup of the bacon reserved as; garnish (optional)
4 gedney deli dill crunchy pickles
Cut pickles in half lengthwise, then cut shallow V down the center of
each one, starting 1/2 inch from one end and cutting to within 1/2 inch
of other end; discard seedy Vs you've cut out (or eat them while you
work). Turn pickles upside down on paper towels to drain.
Mix the ret of the ingredients thoroughly with fork. Use fork to fill V
in eac pickle with cheese mixture, mounding cheese slightly, covering
whole cut side of pickle. Arrange on platter. If you want, garnish
with reserved bacon bits or chopepd chives, chopped green onons, or
chopped parsley.
Makes 8 stuffed pickles.
Barb Schaller
** Exported from Now You're Cooking! v5.83 **
The house of the burning beet-Alan