In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:
> Okay, I never grew beans before. Just thought it would be
> a fun thing to do this year since I suddenly have a small place
> to grow vegetables.
> It's been fun. So far; I hope they hang in there (as in not be
> eaten) until I can get some beans out of the deal.
> I now get where the Jack and his magical beans story came from.
> I looked at where I planted them a couple days ago. Maybe
> that's them (some teensy green weed). I don't know.
> Two hours later, I do not lie, I looked again and see some
> weird disturbance in the earth, all these mounds of soils.
> Damn, did something dig up my beans??
> No. I moved a piece of dirt aside and there it was, a bean
> plant! By the next morning they were an inch high. Freaky!!
> nancy
If, by some chance, you bought pole beans rather than bush beans, make
sure they have something to climb. Now leave them alone in peace, will
ya? Quit pokin'!
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Huffy and Bubbles Do France: