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merryb merryb is offline
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Default Porky baby....Mom ain't so hot either

On Jun 11, 3:28*pm, "kilikini" > wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
> > On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 15:12:14 -0400, Nancy Young wrote:

> >> To each their own, your weight is your problem (leaving the airplane
> >> seat thing out of it), why bring your children up with that when you
> >> *know* how hard it is to lose later in life. *You *know* that people
> >> are mean about it. *Not an easy life you're giving your child.

> >> Eh. *What are you going to do.

> > Yup. Having children is a huge responsibility (in more ways than one).

> Most of my friends here in Florida are very large people and so are their
> kids. *I had a heart-to-heart with my friend Tina's son, Tyler, on Saturday.
> He's about 12, I think. *He cried and said he wanted a new dad. *(His dad is
> a crack-head felon and has spent most of Tyler's short life in and out of
> prison.) *He said he's tired of his dad calling his mom an ugly fat pig. *He
> wants his parents to get a divorce (it's in the proceedings, BTW) so he can
> have a new dad to play with him and teach him how to throw a ball around.
> He said he wanted to learn how to play cards and would I play a card game
> with him? *The poor kid went on to say (throwing his arms up in the air,
> emphatically), "Why do you think I look like this? *I have no friends
> because I'm too fat and no one will play with me because I don't know how to
> do anything! *No one will teach me. *No one will talk to me! *I'm just a fat
> ugly pig like my dad calls my mom!"
> Meanwhile, every day, Tyler's mom comes home from work tired, makes dinner
> from scratch, eats, and passes out exhausted from all the stress in her
> life. *I almost can't blame her; she's extremely unhappy and she's got a
> major responsibility between her 3 kids, 2 grandchildren, and the bills, but
> dang. *This poor kid was *screaming* for help. *I listened. *He spewed. *I
> think I'm his new best friend.
> I kind of feel good about that. *He's a really good kid; messed up, but he's
> got a great heart. * :~)
> kili

You have a good heart yourself- very kind of you to lend a shoulder.
Too bad more people don't reach out to someone with a need. I'm sure
you will make some kind of impact- if not now, then down the road a