Vegan 12-year-old girl has spine of an 80-year old
On Jun 10, 3:36*am, "Giusi" > wrote:
> My daughter's doctor says almost no one in the northern hemisphere gets
> enough vit D in winter. *The rays are too low and the days too short. *In
> summer 20 minutes every few days will do you.
I hope he or she meant "northern latitudes of the northern
hemisphere". Singapore is in the northern hemisphere, at
one degree north of the equator.
> She had to be treated for severe VitD deficiency this year due to her
> dermatologist's insistance that she wear sun block at all times. *Doc still
> insists, but kid now leaves the back of her neck unprotected.
I don't think it's fair to blame the dermatologist. The
safe bet is to use sunblock but take vitamin D supplements.
Then you're covered.
Blistering sunburns during one's teen years especially
present a medical risk.