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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Breakfast Salad.

Terry Pulliam Burd said...

> On Mon, 9 Jun 2008 10:10:55 -0400, "Virginia Tadrzynski"
> > fired up random neurons and synapses to opine:
>>Duh, yourself.......some of the Philly suburban schools are closing due

>>the heat and that they aren't AC'd. School in my neck of the woods
>>(Allentown, 50 mi. north of Philly) school's don't close for the summer
>>until the 13th. Don't know yet if they will make the kids make up the
>>'heat' days when the weather breaks like they do with snow days (tacking
>>them on at the end of the year).

> Just askin', Ginny, but if the schools in PA allow for snow days when
> it's physically impossible/difficult/dangerous to get to school, can
> they actually allow for heat days when it's just bloody uncomfortable?
> I'm just curious, as I was a kid who grew up in the 50s and 60s where
> air conditioning was pretty much nonexistent and was in grade school
> in Tampa FL where it was damned hot in the late spring and early fall.
> (And I refuse to admit to getting into stamina contests with my
> brother where we stood barefoot on hot asphalt until one of us
> couldn't stand it anymore.)
> Did we complain? Noooo. And it was uphill to school both ways. And I
> think it snowed a couple of times. And I had nothing in my lunch but a
> lard biscuit and turnip greens (thereby being OB). And, IIRC, I
> carried by sister on my back all the way...
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd


You mean you didn't get humidity school days off???

"I used to have to walk barefoot, 10 miles, to school. That's why I never
went to school."
--George Burns