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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Jam, jelly and jello

On Thu 12 Jun 2008 04:56:25a, James Silverton told us...

> Wayne wrote on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 00:55:16 GMT:
>>> "Default User" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>> On Wed 11 Jun 2008 08:18:47a, Tracy told us...
>>>> >> Grape jam does exist. Welch's make it. It doesn't have
>>>> >> any fruit chunks in it and is not as gelatinous as jelly and
>>>> >> spreads a lot easier than jelly too.
>>>>> Welch's also used to make grape preserve back ihn the 1960s. The
>>>>> preserves inclued the skins. It was delicious.

>>>> I have made grape butter using the Concords that grow in the
>>>> back yard.
>>> I think you have to be brought from early childhood to like
>>> Concord grapes in any shape or form and that includes Welch's
>>> grape jelly, IMHO of course!

>> I find that strange. I don't personally know of anyone who doesn't
>> like Concord grapes in some for or other.

> Small range of acquaintances :-)

Have you ever tasted muscadines? You'd probably like that even less.

Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 06(VI)/12(XII)/08(MMVIII)
The first 90% of the task takes 90% of
the time, and the last 10% takes the
other 90%.