Chicken of the Sea tuna
cybercat wrote:
> "Pete C." > wrote>
> > Oil pack tuna is the only kind worth using, and due to the ignorant
> > public thinking somehow an oily fish like tuna is suddenly bad for you
> > if it's packed in oil, the oil pack is in the minority on the shelves.
> How is the oil pack different besides the oil? I hate the oozey, sliminess
> of oil pack.
For one, it doesn't suffer from the terrible waterlogged mushy texture
of water packed tuna. Just because a tuna lives in water doesn't mean
it's ok to pack it in water. Would you buy steaks that were packed in
It's a pretty simple and cheap thing to compare, got buy to cans of the
same brand and type of tuna, one water pack and one oil pack and compare
them side by side. It should cost what, $5 or less?