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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default preserving vegetables for the short term

> When I bring vegetables/fruit home from the supermarket, I never know
> which should be stored in the fridge or outside, which should be
> stored in the crisper drawer or which shouldnt be sealed in a plastic
> bag. I am looking for the best ways to store vegetables for the short
> term (not long term preservation) I have been searching for a good
> book on this subject or even better, a chart that could be mounted on
> the refrigerator. Until someone recommends a book/chart, perhaps some
> of you have some advice for a few of the vegetables/fruit I buy
> regularly.
> potatos

I keep potatoes in the crisper drawer in the fridge but I only buy two
russets at a time. Bagged potatoes I keep in the pantry in a wire basket
for air circulation but try to use them up quickly.
> onion

I keep one or two onions at a time in the pantry in a wire basket. The
pantry is generally dark.
> scallions

Grow my own year around and pull as needed. If I bring in a bunch I keep
them for a few days in the crisper drawer.
> garlic

In the pantry in a wire basket.
> carrots
> celery

Both of these are kept in the crisper drawer.
> banananas

On the cabinet top on one of those banana hangers.
> lemon

Grow my own and juice them as needed. Sometimes buy limes and keep them
in a crisper drawer in the fridge.
> oranges

Crisper drawer in the fridge.
> strawberries

In the fridge and wife eats them up quickly. I don't like strawberries
so there's no race to eat them.

You might do a Google search on storing fruits and vegetables and see
what turns up.