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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Jam, jelly and jello

On Fri 13 Jun 2008 08:52:12a, The Cook told us...

> On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 14:30:43 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>On Fri 13 Jun 2008 06:01:10a, The Cook told us...
>>> On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 01:14:05 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
>>> > wrote:
>>>>On Thu 12 Jun 2008 06:14:58a, George Shirley told us...
>>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu 12 Jun 2008 04:56:25a, James Silverton told us...
>>>>>>> Wayne wrote on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 00:55:16 GMT:
>>>>>>>>> "Default User" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed 11 Jun 2008 08:18:47a, Tracy told us...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Grape jam does exist. Welch's make it. It doesn't have
>>>>>>>>>>>> any fruit chunks in it and is not as gelatinous as jelly and
>>>>>>>>>>>> spreads a lot easier than jelly too.
>>>>>>>>>>> Welch's also used to make grape preserve back ihn the 1960s.
>>>>>>>>>>> The preserves inclued the skins. It was delicious.
>>>>>>>>>> I have made grape butter using the Concords that grow in the
>>>>>>>>>> back yard.
>>>>>>>>> I think you have to be brought from early childhood to like
>>>>>>>>> Concord grapes in any shape or form and that includes Welch's
>>>>>>>>> grape jelly, IMHO of course!
>>>>>>>> I find that strange. I don't personally know of anyone who
>>>>>>>> doesn't like Concord grapes in some for or other.
>>>>>>> Small range of acquaintances :-)
>>>>>> Have you ever tasted muscadines? You'd probably like that even
>>>>>> less.
>>>>> One of my favorite native grapes Wayne. Makes excellent jelly and
>>>>> wine, even good as a table grape. Friend has vines for the green,
>>>>> bronze, and the regular old purple muscadines.
>>>>I love muscadines, but haven't had any for years. My mom and
>>>>grandmother would always make jam, jelly, and bake muscadine pies. I
>>>>truly miss that.
>>> If I thought that they would actually get there for less that 3 arms
>>> and legs I would send you some. I have both muscadine and scuppernong
>>> vines.
>>> Many years ago mother & I moved from NC to FL. My uncle, who knew how
>>> much I loved scuppernongs, mailed me a cigar box full. They made it
>>> and I was in heaven.

>>Oh, Susan, how lovely that would be! But I'm sure the cost would be
>>prohibitive, and the hot weather less than cooperative.
>>I had forgottena about the scuppernongs. My grandmother had those on
>>her property, too.

> I'll talk to you when the I make jelly.

Thank you. That's sounds wonderful!

Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 06(VI)/13(XIII)/08(MMVIII)
Shareware author dies: .GIF at eleven!