Teflon and Browning
"aem" > wrote in message
On Jun 13, 9:53 am, blake murphy > wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jun 2008 19:36:26 -0400, "cybercat" >
> wrote:
> > [snips]
> >Still haven't tried browning in the enamelware, it seems like a bad idea
> >to
> >me.
> browning (at least at high temps) in enamelware seems dicey to me as
> well, but i can't really say why. but i don't use enamelware, so i'm
> doubly ignorant.
Enamel coated cast iron is fine for browning. I don't know why you
would think otherwise. Certainly does a better job than nonstick.
>Follow the same guideline as for browning in stainless >steel: heat the
>pan, add just enough oil to coat the >bottom, add meat, let sit without
>poking or pushing for a >few minutes. -aem
Good tips, thanks. I do tend to mess with the meat as soon as it is in the