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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Default Chicken of the Sea tuna

Blinky the Shark wrote:
> HiTech RedNeck wrote:
>> "Billy" <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom> wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Thu, 12 Jun 2008 15:55:05 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
>>> > wrote:
>>>> This is the poorest excuse for chunk tuna I've ever seen. Mush,
>>>> through and through. They're going to hear about this.
>>> ooohh...yuck.... The ONLY one I use is StarKist Solid White Albacore
>>> packed in water. Chunk tuna is always mushy to me.

>> I've also seen this situation with Bumble Bee and other major brands. It
>> seems that what in years past was called "grated tuna" (have you ever seen
>> "grated tuna" in supermarkets recently? I haven't, but I remember it from
>> decades ago, when I used it as a pet cat treat) now qualifies as "chunk."

> Aye. I've been thinking just that, every time I open a can of "chunk",
> for years, now, regardless of brand.
> But I didn't even think about the lack of honestly-labeled "grated", but
> yeah -- I think you're right about it not being around any more.

There is chunk white and chunk light. I once bought what I thought was
chunk white (I was on a budget and figured it was going to be mashed up
for tuna salad anyway.) I opened the can and the tuna was dark and ugly.
My neighbor who had been raised in the Pennsylvania coal mining area was
in my kitchen when I proclaimed "eeew! this tuna is spoiled" and was
about to throw it out.

I was almost 30 years old and had never seen "light" tuna in my entire
life. I thought it was spoiled tuna.

There were certain cultural culinary things I grew up with: solid white
Albacore tuna, Heinz ketchup, Hellman's mayonnaise, Skippy peanut
butter... The other kinds of tuna and brands of ketchup, etc. were for
a "different" class of people.

I still stick to the Albacore tuna, Heinz ketchup and Hellman's
mayonnaise, but a jar or two of JIF has sneaked its way into our home <g>

Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life