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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default Another party invitation...

Janet Wilder wrote:

> I agree. That's the way it should be, but retail businesses have made
> registering and listing gifts a big deal. Even moms-to-be are
> registering in places like Target for baby stuff.
> I'm old fashioned and think gift registries are just for china and
> silver patterns in case anyone wants to buy some for the bride. The
> other stuff is just plain begging and very, IMHO, uncouth.

Be that as it may (stores making it easy to register with them) at no
time does that make it socially acceptable to include gift demand list
information with invitations to a party (except wedding or baby showers
where the intent IS gifts).

So register where ever you desire, but don't go advertising it unless
the guest asks. Cheap, store provided and branded invitations are tacky,
tacky, tacky!