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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Another party invitation...

On Fri 13 Jun 2008 09:56:09p, Virginia Tadrzynski told us...

> "Jean B." > wrote in message
> ...
>> hahabogus wrote:
>>> "Nancy Young" > wrote in news:k_OdndUHOuBgQ8
>>> :
>>>> "hahabogus" > wrote
>>>>> "Nancy Young" > wrote
>>>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>>> I think that's absolutely true. I can't get over the nerve that
>>>>>>> people have today.
>>>>>> I did attend a wedding shower where I bought from the gift
>>>>>> registry. I was taken aback by the stuff on the list ... for a
>>>>>> shower? A $300 Kitchenaid I deny myself?? For a shower??
>>>>> Tell the truth it wasn't the 300 dollar kitchen aid more than the
>>>>> PBJ meal they serve you to try and get it.
>>>> (laugh) Get this ... I was a member of the wedding party and, as
>>>> such, paid for the shindig, too. And the party favors.
>>>> nancy
>>> So...I'm thinking of getting married....wanna pay for it?
>>> I need a new induction stove.

>> Oh, well, I will have a house-warming party. I haven't bought the
>> house yet though. Just a small detail that my guests can rectify, I'm
>> sure.
>> --
>> Jean B.

> Beloved SIL (the one requesting receipts in the last party thread)
> approached us after we reached settlement on a servere accident I was
> involved in........(we got enough to pay for all my medical bills and a
> little something extra) and said.....get this.......WE want a house, and
> since we intend to ask my dad, the realtor, to screw the sellers over
> for us so we can get it as a steal, we expecty HIS side of the family to
> come up with the dosh required to put a sizable downpayment on it and to
> help with the payments if necessary, after all, HE is the baby and most
> deserving, and since we know you will be coming into some money soon
> (they didn't know we already got it, just that we won the case) we
> figure somewhere between $5-10K from you guys ought to do it........I
> swear if I wasn't in a a brace at the time and in physical therapy, I
> would have killed her. -ginny

I wouldn't blame you a bit!

Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 06(VI)/13(XIII)/08(MMVIII)
Cats must ask to be (fed/petted/let
out) when the humans are making whoopee.