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Default Another party invitation...

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 16:43:47 +0200, ChattyCathy
> wrote:

>We got an invitation today from an acquaintance and his wife to a combined
>birthday/house warming party they're holding at the end of the month.
>The invite says that 'guests are under no obligation to buy any gifts' -
>but they've registered at *two* home ware stores and given all the details
>about them - just in case.
>At first I thought, 'bit of a cheek' but when I thought about it some more
>I realized that might not be such a bad idea; I've been to some weddings
>where they have an arrangement like this. It saves the couple getting 10
>butter dishes and 15 potato peelers (or whatever).
>That is, until I saw the 'wish list' that they had also tacked on to the
>invitation. It includes (among other things): a new HD Television, a new
>double door fridge and a home theater system. I thought this might be a
>joke, but they have actually stated the name of a store where one of the
>items on the wish list can be purchased.

That isn't part of my MO (for instance, I didn't "register" anywhere
when I got married), but maybe some people *are* like that.... or
maybe they were pushed into it by well meaning friends. You never
know unless you ask, so don't jump to conclusions.
>Now that's 'Chutzpah', in my book - or is it? We won't be accepting the
>invitation, regardless - we barely know these people.

Too bad you barely know them. I'd be inclined to decline the
invitation unless, of course, they were someone I *really* wanted to
get to know better.

Conversely, if they were real friends, I would have wanted to get them
both a birthday gift and a birthday present anyway. So, I wouldn't
have a problem buying them a gift card to one of the stores in
question. Gift problem solved, TYVM.

>OBFood: they didn't mention bringing any food, so I'm assuming they'll
>supply it to the guests; <grin>

You can only hope - given the horror stories here on rfc.

Thankfully I have (recent) personal stories of open bar, sit down
dinners to counter the cheapskate drama stories I read here.
Otherwise, I'd tend to think the entire world is full of self-centered

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