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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default Another party invitation...

ChattyCathy wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Jun 2008 07:47:15 -0700, maxine in ri wrote:
>> Perhaps in their circle, that's considered normal-type gifts for a
>> combined
>> event celebration. Don't worry, it's not my circle, either<G>

> Possibly, in 'their' circle. As we're not part of their usual circle,
> I still found it somewhat tacky.
> Ya know, we have something similar to what you guys call a 'potluck',
> I think? We call it a 'bring and braai' (braai = out door grilling).
> Somebody offers the venue and everybody supplies either a few pieces
> of meat and a side dish, theoretically enough to feed themselves, but
> we all share everything when it's ready. We all buy a few soft drinks
> and/or booze and share that out too. It's fun, and everybody does it
> here in summer. That's fine in my book, as everybody knows they have
> to bring something, but that invitation got on my last nerve. <g>

Yep, that's kind of what we call pot luck. That's basically what we're
attending tomorrow. The hosts are providing lasagna, but we, as guests,
have been asked to provide a dessert, appetizer, or side dish. That's fine
with me! It's not like we're being asked for a refrigerator. Sheesh!
