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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Another party invitation...

On Sat 14 Jun 2008 05:55:56a, Michael "Dog3" told us...

> Wayne Boatwright >
> 6.120: in
>> Frankly, I think a "money tree" is tacky at any event. AFAIC, it's a
>> non- verbal way of begging. Local "cultures" bedamned.

> I never did understand the money tree thing. There is another custom I
> don't understand either. The dollar dance. It looks like the bride is
> being pimped out for cash. I've seen both of them at different
> weddings. Both in the midwest. Maybe it's a midwestern thang except I've
> only seen it a couple of times and it's not common at every midwestern
> wedding I've attended. People that are too busy or lazy to shop for a
> gift <pointing at myself...lazy>, they write a check. I don't see why I
> have to flip the bride a $20 bill for a dance on top of it or tack a
> bill on the tree.
> Michael

The "money dance" originated in Poland in the early 1900s, and spread to
Ukraine and Yugoslavia. Many people of those nationalities imigrated in
the early part of the 20th century to the US, particularly in the eastern
and midwestern states. Obviously, over the years, the "tradition" has
spread considerably. Originally, in Europe, it was done in poorer families
in order to give the bride and groom a bit of headstart financially.

Having said all that, it has clearly gotten out of hand.

Wayne Boatwright
Saturday, 06(VI)/14(XIV)/08(MMVIII)
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