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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Another party invitation...

Giusi > wrote:

>"Steve Pope" > ha scritto nel messaggio

>> If the invite doesn't say "no gifts expected", that's a clue
>> that you should look at Amazon, local department stores, etc. for
>> wish-lists in the host's name.

>> The "no gifts expected" can avoid confusion if the host is
>> holding mutliple parties/events in the same time-frame.

> One shouldn't ever have to say that. NO mention of gifts
> in an invitation, EVER. I presume such a phrase has sometimes
> been added to overcome the influence of the barbarians who ask,
> but not one single etiquette resource will back you up on it.

Sure, the correct etiquette is to force persons accepting
the invitation to make phone calls, ask around, check
gift registries etc. because it is their job as invitee
to conduct a detective operation to find out if gifts are
expected. Even then the multiple-event problem is
not necessarily solved. "Are Joe and Jill expecting
gifts at their party in June?" "I dunno, we're going
to their party in July, the flakes didn't invite
us to their party in June". "They're having a party
in July without us? The jerks!" etc.

This is one of the many instances in which following
etiquette is a lot of work. I suppose it save the
host from having to include an awkward-sounding phrase
on their invitation though.
