OT- Goodbye Tim Russert
>Sheldon wrote:
>> On Jun 13, 10:06?pm, "Bob Terwilliger" >
>> wrote:
>>> Sheldon foamed at the mouth:
>>>> You should be extremely appologetic to be the first to rush forth to
>>>> blurt out that you never heard of Tim Russert... why didn't you just
>>>> stfu... a normal human would have at the very least taken a few
>>>> moments to look him up on the net and waited for some other folks to
>>>> post first so you'd get a clue... it's no wonder you shacked up with
>>>> the very first totally useless slut stalker came along... you earned
>>>> everything you deserve. ?You're an utter embarrassment to humanity.
>>>> It's difficult to feel any empathy for someone so utterly self
>>>> absorbed as you... you don't even express sympathy for another
>>>> unfortunate human being, makes one wonder if anything you claim is
>>>> true ?The parasitic florida duet, you deserve each other. ?Preying on
>>>> good folks sympathies makes you a fraud and a scammer.
>>> This is Sheldon's way of dealing with his frustration over the fact that he
>>> wants to **** kili and he can't -- both because she is unavailable to him
>>> and because he is impotent.
>>> Keep it up, Sheldon, there will be HUNDREDS of people ****ing on your grave.
>>> Bob
a ****ing conga line! yes!!!
your pal,