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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Another party invitation...

ChattyCathy wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 13:21:55 +0000, Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>> The last wedding I was at was a couple of years ago in my hometown. It
>> was for a local debutante whose parents are friends of my mother. The
>> wedding was very small and there was a small reception afterwards at the
>> bride's parent's home. It was all so quiet and private. The invitation
>> read "no gifts" at the bottom. The couple had been living in sin for a
>> few years and had a very nice apartment as it is.
>> On the way home from the reception I told my mother that the wedding was
>> so discreet you'd have thought the couple was famous and hiding out from
>> the papparazzi. After all, the couple is a very popular couple in some
>> circles and few of their friends were invited to the wedding. Mother
>> said the parents of both the bride and groom had offered the couple
>> sizeable cash gifts for a down payment on their first home and that the
>> couple really didn't need anything else. Mother said she had sent a
>> check before the wedding from our family to the couple even though it
>> was not necessary.
>> That was a weird one too.

> I dunno, I guess they had their reasons for being discreet. I know we did.
> It was my second time around and we agreed that we didn't want any fuss -
> what was the point? I certainly didn't want any gifts or having to
> invite Auntie Sofie's third cousin removed... So we didn't tell anybody
> that we were getting married except our parents and my DS; we only told
> our friends after the fact. As it turned out, when they found out, five or
> six of our friends threw us a small 'surprise party' which was a great
> deal of fun.

Friends of ours got married, second time around for each, then one year
later held a "love in" and invited all of their close friends, kids, and
family members they cared for. Nice bash with drinks, food, good
friends, and a good time. That was about twelve years ago and they're
still together. Of course they're about my age, late sixties and both
are professional people, medical doctors and have a clinic together now.

We enjoyed the "love in" more than we would have a formal wedding.