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Chicken of the Sea tuna
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sat 14 Jun 2008 05:24:35p, Janet Bostwick told us...
>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>> This is the poorest excuse for chunk tuna I've ever seen. Mush,
>>> through and through. They're going to hear about this.
>>> Tuna salad with mac and peas, bound with homemade mayo, on top of
>>> some green stuff for dinner tonight. Maybe some Triscuits, and
>>> corn relish or pickles for HWSRN. Marble bundt cake for dessert.
>>> --
>>> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
>>> Huffy and Bubbles Do France:
>> I just opened a can this noon. There was hardly any water and the
>> can was filled with 2 solid chunks of tuna. I had to break the meat
>> up with a fork for tuna salad. I must have gotten what was missin
>> from your can. ;o{ Janet
> What grade they're marketing in each country must vary widely. I've
> only once bought chunk tuna, but I have often seen people open cans
> at work and they all look like cat food...soupy, mushy, and no really
> visible chunks. Actually the food I feed my cats looks better. It's
> sad.
> --
> Wayne Boatwright
I'm in your country, although another state. I purchased the tuna from