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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default That's Just Wrong

Sqwertz said...

> Andy <q> wrote:
>> Sqwertz said...
>>> Steve Pope > wrote:
>>>> No, but in my experience beers brewed under the same label
>>>> in different countries often don't even use the same formula.
>>> Compare Swiss Lowenbrau to the American version, for example.
>>> Bother are sold in the US and look almost identical from the
>>> outside.

>> Hey -swartz
>> Guess what? Lowenbräu is from Munich, Germany!
>> Stupid ****!

> I don't suppose you looked up "Swiss Lowenbrau" on the web before
> you posted that. Didn't think so.
> 'Stupid ****', indeed.
> Now if you had any brain at all, you would have pointed out that
> there is no American-brewed Lowenbrau any more, and that the Swiss
> and Munich versions were unrelated while the Swiss version was
> considered superior to the Munich version (though used the same
> packaging as the US versions with slightly different colors).
> Really, Andy - you make this way too easy for me. Say somrhting
> else. I dare you.
> -sw


You would probably want to see my ceramic Lowenbräu German beer mug first?

You're a jerk out of luck.
