marinating meat was: Flank steak recipes?
blake wrote on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 16:16:03 GMT:
>> It's very untraditional but quite often there is very little
>> taste from the marinade unless a substantial amount is left
>> on the surface of the food when cooking. I am pretty well
>> convinced by the Washington Post article. I am going to cook
>> some salmon where the recipe calls for marinading for 12 to
>> 36 hours and, AFAICS, an hour is enough.
>> It would not surprise me at all if traditional wisdom is
>> wrong and has never been tested. Just think about how long
>> people were treated, according to traditional medical wisdom,
>> by the use of horrible bland diets for stomach ulcers that
>> were due to bacteria.
> come to think of it, i've seen in more than one place the
> korean practice of cooking short ribs, eating some, and
> putting it back on the grill to re-crisp. can't remember if
> it's re-dunked in the marinade, though.
Just to mention my experiment with salmon. The one hour treatment was
not noticeably different from the 24 hour one. The miso-sake mixture is
not very fluid and sticks to the fish. Let me make a horrible admission,
the sake bottle was empty and I used Scotch! It was good too!
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
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