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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default That's Just Wrong

Arri wrote on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 17:48:12 -0600:

> James Silverton wrote:
>> "Arri London" > wrote in message
> >> James Silverton wrote:

> <snip>

> >>> Drink what you like of course but why insult others'
> >>> tastes? It's simply not worth the trouble to say that you
> >>> do or don't like a popular beer. Budweiser seems to sell
> >>> pretty well in Britain even if I only like it cold enough
> >>> to have floating ice crystals .
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>>
> >>> James Silverton
> >>> Potomac, Maryland
> >>>
> >> But the Budweiser sold in the UK (which is usually the
> >> Czech version) isn't the same as the US Bud in any case.
> >> Anheuser/Busch stole the name of a perfectly decent Czech
> >> beer and have been using it on their coloured water ever
> >> since.

>> That's simply not true based on my experience. I've bought
>> Budweiser on British trains and it was the familiar
>> Anheuser-Busch bottle. Europeans love to say that
>> Anheuser-Busch stole the name but their use predates that of
>> the consolidated Budvar breweries. In 1876, the name
>> Budweiser was adopted by the American brewer Adolphus Bush.
>> When the Czech brewery, 20 years later (just after
>> incorporation in 1895 ), wished to begin exports to the New
>> World, this caused problems, and Budvar had to be given
>> another name, Crystal I believe. Not that I would maintain
>> that Budweiser is much of a beer as I have already mentioned
>> even if it is brewed in Ireland, Italy, Russia, the UK and
>> Spain.
>> --

>Obviously you know a different crowd in the UK than I do LOL.
> No one Iknow will drink American Budweiser. What I learnt about
>theBudweiser/Budvar thing comes from Czech people associate
>with thebrewing industry. If it's wrong blame them

Obviously, the Czechs would say that! Blindness to inconvenient facts is
a custom in many countries. Look at the French fighting to restrict the
use of the name "champagne" while allowing French vintners to expand the
designated areas indefinitely! I think you don't associate with hoi
polloi and their horrible uncultured tastes :-)


James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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