Another party invitation...
"sf" <.> wrote in message ...
> On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 17:47:25 -0400, "Edwin Pawlowski" >
> wrote:
>>We all have different values incomes, priorities, and make choices
>>accordingly. Daughter of a well to do lawyer got married last year. Her
>>father offered either the wedding or 50k for a house downpayment. They
>>the wedding.
> Yeah and what does that say? Daddy should have said: Here's $50,000,
> use it any way you wish. Sounds like she's still Daddy's girl and
> Daddy is a control freak.
No, not a control freak at all. The 50k would have been a bargain and he
was looking to control cost. From what I heard, the wedding was close to
double that. Wedding gown $$ alone could have bought a small car.