That's Just Wrong
Dave Witzel wrote:
> So UT's like some other states with some odd rules surrounding beer
> strength (3.2%ABW=4%ABV; you've probably heard the term "3.2 beer")
> - Tennessee comes to mind, where over a certain ABV it must be sold
> in a different type of store (often the same building, but wholly
> separate).
> Not to start a thread about arcane beer laws or anything.
Too late.
Minnesota is as you describe: anything over 3.2% abw must be sold in a
separate liquor store. The liquor store can be in the same building, but
must have a separate entrance and a definite doorway into the main
store, if any transfer between grocery and liquor is allowed. And so you
end up with groceries that have liquor stores that keep separate hours
and that you have to go outside to get in (and you have to check out in
the liquor store; no bringing it into the grocery).