Thread: Dinner tonight
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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Dinner tonight

blake murphy > wrote:

>On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 19:23:26 +0000 (UTC),
>(Steve Pope) wrote:

>>Serene Vannoy > wrote:

>>>blake murphy wrote:

>>>> you don't like the malt vinegar? how so?

>>>Oh, no, I hate it, but to James, it's required for fish and chips.

>>Me too. Force of habit I think. Also, when I vinegar boiled
>>potatoes prior to making potato salad, I have taken to using half
>>wine vinegar, half malt vinegar (in place of cider vinegar).

>i don't use white vinegar much in cooking, preferring cider (or rice
>vinegar when something with a milder taste is desired) . that's why i
>wondered what serene didn't like about the malt.

*White* vinegar (as opposed to white wine vinegar) I hardly ever
use in cooking. I do use it in buffalo-style sauce.
Sometimes for forming a soak of habaneros or thai chilis.
That's about all I can think of.
