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The Joneses
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Default Pickling beetroot

Cumberpach wrote:

> Hi there, I'm oldbiely challenged and I hope this question hasn't been asked
> recently.
> Over the w/end I pickled my first batch of 5 lbs of beetroot and the whole
> lot took about 90 mins in the saucepan(s).
> Q. Can I use a pressure cooker to speed up the process, or will it all end
> in tears. TIA.
> Pete

Dear Pete, let us know your recipe and it will help. I use the Pickled Beets
with Red Wine that's in the Joy of Pickling and sell out at the market every
time I make it. It's fab. Depending on the size of the beets, and the altitude,
the first crop of tender beets, no bigger than my fist, take about 45 min in the
boiling. Older and larger beets take longer. Then I slice up, pour over the
pickle stuff & boiling water bath for 30 min. Yeah, takes long time, plenty
worth it tho. Sometimes I use a very small cookie cutter to make star shapes.
Those are for special gifts and the scraps get made into borscht. Sounds like a
pressure cooker to cook up beets is a good idea, but we don't want them *mush*
now do we?
Edrena, at 4000 feet.