Thread: Dinner tonight
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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Dinner tonight

kilikini > wrote:

>Serene Vannoy wrote:

>> blake murphy wrote:

>>> (Steve Pope) wrote:

>>>> Serene Vannoy > wrote:

>>>>> blake murphy wrote:

>>>>>> you don't like the malt vinegar? how so?

>>>>> Oh, no, I hate it, but to James, it's required for fish and chips.
>>>> Me too. Force of habit I think. Also, when I vinegar boiled
>>>> potatoes prior to making potato salad, I have taken to using half
>>>> wine vinegar, half malt vinegar (in place of cider vinegar).

>>> i don't use white vinegar much in cooking, preferring cider (or rice
>>> vinegar when something with a milder taste is desired) . that's why
>>> i wondered what serene didn't like about the malt.

>> I just dislike the taste, but even if I liked it, I don't want vinegar
>> on my fish and chips. I want lemon or tartar sauce or cocktail sauce
>> on fish; I have a lot of things I like to dip french fries in, but
>> none of them are vinegar. :-)

>> Serene

>You sound like me, Serene. I do love the taste of vinegar, but not on my
>fried fish please. Just lemon or tartar sauce.

Even in the UK malt vinegar is not de rigeur on fish and chips.
You are asked if you want vinegar when you place your
order at a chippie. Probably half of the customers decline.

In a pub or restaurant of course the vinegar bottle is
brought to your table.
