Another party invitation...
ChattyCathy wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 09:45:30 -0500, George Shirley wrote:
>> When our son was in college he and a couple of friends used to go to
>> wedding receptions in the college town he lived in. Just find one going
>> on, dress nicely and walk in and join the crowd. Eat the food, drink the
>> booze, and then leave quietly. Claims he never got caught, takes
>> chutzpah and he had lots of that when he was young.
> I had to smile about this. I am not surprised he never got caught. I am
> sure this goes on all the time... BTW, did you ever see the movie called
> "The Wedding Crashers"? It was too funny, except those guys didn't exactly
> 'leave quietly'. <grin>
I probably should have added something to the effect that we were
horrified by what he said. We're intensely private people and would
never do anything like that ourselves. I guess we just wrote it off as
youthful high jinks but I'm sure himself wouldn't do anything like that
now. At about age 30 he turned into the quintessential yuppie.