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dejablues dejablues is offline
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Posts: 301
Default Thank You, Caller ID

"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
> Every evening for nearly a week now an outfit that Caller ID
> identifies as "Gallaway Research" has called on my home phone. I don't
> answer and won't. If telemarketing is illegal if you've opted out, why
> can't tele-researching be illegal, too? Just askin'.

Galloway Research?

I always stick up for market research because I worked at a market research
firm during high school and college. For every rude person that hung up on
me there were many more that were more than happy to give their opinions on
whatever we were asking about, and our clients included brands and services
that I'm sure you use today. And yes, we did sometimes offer compensation
for people's opinions, but you get better results if people give their
opinions freely.

Even back in the 80's, computers generated the numbers that we dialed, and
when a person answered, we'd take over. If noone answered, the number would
go back into the queue. So, it's probably a computer dialing you, and if you
don't pick up, it will keep doing so.

Every product you buy, service you use, movie you watch, drug you take, or
candidate you vote for has millions of dollars and many hours of market
research behind it. Next time, throw caution to the wind and answer the
phone. You may not meet the preliminary demographic questions, but if you
do, it just might be fun and interesting.
Or not.