New Gas Chazzer
"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
. ..
> Paul M. Cook wrote:
>> "Nancy Young" > wrote
>>> Stylin'! Very nice. And you let that 'other one' park so
>>> close??
>> Heh heh, yeah I know - slummin'. As it turned out the other car was
>> abandoned and several days later the cops came around and towed it
>> away. My little cul de sac gets a lot of that for some reason.
> Someone abandoned a car in front of my house once. Long
> story short, after a week I called the cops to report it. He
> said, with all the disbelief he could muster, Abandoned?
> I explained the story, boy after he heard it had New York plates that were
> now gone he couldn't arrange to come get it fast enough. Once I'd
> finished explaining the circumstances,
> it was all I could do not to say, ie, abandoned. (laugh)
The cop got a free car. I know here if you file an abandoned vehicle claim
and it goes 10 days without the owner coming forward the car is yours.