Thread: New Gas Chazzer
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George[_8_] George[_8_] is offline
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Default New Gas Chazzer

T wrote:
> In article >,
> ild says...
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> aem wrote:
>>>> On Jun 15, 5:57 pm, Sheldon > wrote:
>>>>> 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser:
>>>>> Love it.
>>>> I have learned a surprisingly large number of Yiddish words over the
>>>> years but I had to look up "chazzer." The definition "one who eats
>>>> like a pig" seems to fit here, especially given what I paid for the
>>>> last fill-up. -aem
>>> Making the drive from Tennessee through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia
>>> and on to South Carolina netted a few surprises in terms of gas prices.
>>> In TN the price was around $3.85/gallon. But I was able to gas up at a
>>> mom & pop type convenience store with really old gas pumps for
>>> $3.27/gallon in Alabama! Once over the GA state line the prices shot up
>>> over $4/gallon ($4.15 just outside of Macon). But as I got closer to
>>> the SC border the prices dropped again. Gassed up yesterday in
>>> Beaufort, SC for $3.81 which is as good as it's gonna get, I'm afraid.
>>> The woman behind the counter looked out the window at my little Huyndai
>>> Accent and sighed, "I'll bet that car gets good gas mileage." Yep,
>>> right at 38 on the Highway, 30 in the city. I cringe when I see the ads
>>> on TV for the SUV that seats 8 and has 12 cup holders. Are people
>>> really still buying those things? My car comfortably seats 4 and has 5
>>> cup holders LOL

>> Up until 2 weeks ago gm still had the "you need an escalade because it
>> is *BIG* ads running.
>> My relative works at our local "mega dealer". She says they absolutely
>> can't even give the gas guzzler fluffed up trucks away. My one friend
>> tinkers around with cars as a side line. He has a couple teenage kids
>> and he will buy a car that is flawed in some way and they will fix it up
>> and sell it as the kids college fund. He said last week he went to an
>> auction vehicles repoed by wachovia. He said there was nothing being
>> auctioned except fluffed up trucks. Vehicles that were only a year old
>> and >$50k didn't sell because the reserve was around $9,000 and no one
>> bid over $7,000. These were fluffed up trucks such as ford exhibitions etc.

> Interesting. I saw what appeared to be a 2006 Ford Expedition on a lot
> that had a price of $1,100. I almost bought it. My commutes are so short
> that even at 13MPG it wouldn't be bad.

But waste doesn't sit right with me. I wouldn't want one if it were free
and included $200 for the first fillup.