Another party invitation...
"Lou Decruss" wrote
>>I don't have a problem spending money on them, within reason. I
>>do draw the line at the faux grandeur stuff, but to just provide a great
>>event I have no problem.
> I'd throw a backyard party, but that's about it.
Same here. I'd clean up the house, buy lots of expensive foods and have
Charlotte give me a head-count of how many she and her new husband expected
to have arrive. She wouldnt have to do more than show up ;-)
In our simple habits, I'd want to call the groom's Mom and ask if there was
any special dish I should avoid making as she knew her side was bringing it
but that they need bring nothing but their happy selves. Also, any special
diets that need to be accounted for and we'd put pretty cards by foods that
were 'kosher' or 'low-sodium' or 'gluten free' etc.
(It does NOT 'do' to trample the grooms side in duplicating a favorite
heirloom dish they are proud of, especially if your version turns out to be
better! Ms Manners will tall you to check first to be sure of no clash).
If she 'asked' if there was anything special I wanted them to bring, I'd he
honest and say I'm rotten with desserts so I could only provide a pretty
store bought cake and some breyers ice cream plus sliced fruits. Grin, call
me horrid but if given a chance to politely ask for a specific thing, it
would be something dessert line. I'd explain that with the sugar problems
in my family side, we arent much into sweets so not all that good at making
them but not actually diabetics so sweets are fine.