That's Just Wrong
Joris Pattyn wrote:
>>Duh. I'd rather have AB owned by a Belgian company than by a
>>Mexican company. Of course I couldn't really care less what happens
>>to AB, but I do have a weak heart for the Belgian ales.
> Oh - InBev is a Belgian company according to you? To me it is a
> Brazilian-steered multinational...
The U.S. is for sale – and foreign investors are buying
The dollar's slump makes scooping up US businesses and real estate a
financial bargain.
By David R. Francis
posted June 09, 2008 at 11:00 am EDT
The United States has become a bustling bargain basement for world
investors. Using excess dollars earned as a result of the massive US
trade deficit, foreigners are buying up big chunks of the nation's
businesses and properties. The latest shoppers: Abu Dhabi for New York's
Chrysler Building and a Belgian-Brazilian brewery for Anheuser-Busch.
More at <>
Looks like it's considered "Belgian-Brazilian" to some.
In the USA, we see far more evidence of InBev's Belgian connections
than its Brazilian connections. Where I live, Brahma lager is pretty
much non-existent, but there's no shortage of Stella Artois, Leffe,
and Hoegaarden.