New Gas Chazzer
Wayne Boatwright said...
> On Tue 17 Jun 2008 03:40:38p, Andy told us...
>> Nancy Young said...
>>> George wrote:
>>>> Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>>>>> cute. I like the mini Cooper a lot.
>>>> They are a great conversation starter. Every time I parked at least a
>>>> couple people would walk over and want to know all about the car and
>>>> remark how neat looking it was and where they could by one.
>>> They're awfully cute, and were in serious contention when I was
>>> thinking of replacing my car, which was the second, around town
>>> kind a vehicle. Those looks, and at that price. Could still happen.
>>> nancy
>> I test drove one of the first mini coopers in Philly. Maybe 6 years ago?
>> It was actually comfortable for 6'3" in shoes. Then I thought what if I
>> have car trouble in Des Moines. With the mechanics scratching their
>> heads, like in the movie Doc Hollywood.
>> I do smile when I see them.
>> I played on their "Build Your Own Mini" website many times. They can
>> build 'em 1,001 ways practically.
>> I'm still waiting to see a "Smart" car on the road.
>> Andy
> I'm still waiting to see a "smart" driver on the road.