Thread: New Gas Chazzer
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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default New Gas Chazzer

Nancy Young > wrote:

>Michael "Dog3" wrote:

>> I'll never understand why people would use a credit card for gasoline
>> or food purchases.

>I do, all the time. I get a percent back, for one thing, and I
>don't carry much cash anymore, either, just a few bucks. I just pay
>it when the bill shows up. If you can't pay your bill in full, you're
>right, you don't want to pay interest on groceries you ate months
>ago. I hate to see people in that situation.

>> the month. Almost everything else I use my debit card which comes
>> directly out of my checking account.

>Debit card, taking money directly out of my checking account? That
>would make me crazier than I already am.

I would never have a debit card either.

I used to be like Michael, I wouldn't consider using a credit
card for routine purchases, I'd just use cash and in fact
at the time grocery stores did not even take cards. I felt
that people who over-used credit cards were just contributing
to inflation and huge fees skimmed by the issuing banks.
At some point I gave up and joined them.
