Thread: New Gas Chazzer
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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default New Gas Chazzer

"Nancy Young" > wrote in

> George wrote:
>> Michael "Dog3" wrote:

>>> cute. I like the mini Cooper a lot.

>> They are a great conversation starter. Every time I parked at least a
>> couple people would walk over and want to know all about the car and
>> remark how neat looking it was and where they could by one.

> They're awfully cute, and were in serious contention when I was
> thinking of replacing my car, which was the second, around town
> kind a vehicle. Those looks, and at that price. Could still happen.
> nancy

the older mini coopers were a lot smaller and easier on gas than these
new ones. I had one in the 70's and I got well over 50 mpg. on the
highway. the older ones were effectivly 4 foot something tall, 4 foot
something wide and exactly 10 feet long bumper to bumper. Motor
displacmennt was 949cc.


The house of the burning beet-Alan