Back .... away ... from the Microwave Ovens, People!
On Tue 17 Jun 2008 04:34:48p, George Shirley told us...
> Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>> George Shirley >
>> : in
>>> Our first was in 1981, bought it in Saudi Arabia. It was a Sharp
>>> Carousel microwave/convection oven combination and I learned to cook a
>>> lot of food in it. Came with a pretty good cookbook with good
>>> instructions and recipes. It went defunct in 2000 and I went to a
>>> local store and bought another just like it, even cost the same price
>>> $500.00. I use it to cook turkey every year at Thanksgiving, freeing up
>>> the big oven for all the other baking. Does a jam up job of it too.
>> I don't remember convection cooking during that time frame. Hell... my
>> mind has gone to hell and back. But a turkey? Lordy...
>> Michael
> Michael, I've baked pies and cakes, routinely bake biscuits in the Sharp
> and can turn out bacon, eggs, etc more quickly than I can on the stove
> top. About the only thing we use the microwave only for is reheating
> leftovers and thawing meat and veggies. You can even get microwave pots
> for cooking rice that turns out some really good, fluffy rice in a short
> time.
> George
I use a covered Pyrex dish to cook my rice in, and it's the fluffiest and
best rice I've ever made. I have found that it doesn't take particularly
less time, however. I bring water and rice to a boil on high. Reduce the
power setting to 20% (1350 watt oven), and time it for 15 minutes. Fluff
lightly with a fork, and return it to the microwave on "keep warm" setting
until ready to serve. For my method it takes must about the same total
cooking time, but I much prefer the results to stovetop cooking.
Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 06(VI)/17(XVII)/08(MMVIII)
Let's split up, we can do more damage
that way.