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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Back .... away ... from the Microwave Ovens, People!

On Tue 17 Jun 2008 03:59:03p, Janet Baraclough told us...

> The message >
> from Christine Dabney > contains these words:
>> On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 14:27:12 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
>> > wrote:

>> >I have not tried the roux thing, but I've heard of it. I'll have to
>> >attempt it next time I have a hankerin' for gumbo or whatever...

>> Here is the method. This is from one of the blogs one of the eGullet
>> members did.

>> Christine

>> Microwave Roux

>> It's really not a secret...............It's a variation of a technique
>> got from a spiral bound cookbook I picked up on my annual jaunt to New
>> Orleans about 25 years ago. The book is called "Tout Suite a la
>> Microwave". After making roux the conventional way for years, and
>> watching my mother and cook slave laboriously over it............all
>> with mixed results, I decided to give it a try.

>> Take a 4 cup pyrex measuring cup. Put 2/3 cup of flour and 2/3 cup of
>> oil/butter/fat. Stir with whisk, Microwave on high for 4 minutes.
>> Whisk, Microwave for 2 minutes. Whisk, Once more. Then go to one
>> minute intervals whisking in between till the color roux you want is
>> achieved. In about 20 minutes you have a great roux without
>> burning.................and much quicker than the 2 hours it used to
>> take me.

> Is roux a word that has a different meaning in the USA? To me, it's a
> straightforward basic white sauce which takes about 10 mins or less to
> cook on top of the stove. What are you making that took two hours?
> Janet (Scotland)

No, it has the same meaning as in the UK. The difference is its intended
purpose, generally differentiated by describing the color; e.g., for Cajun
or Creole cooking, it is usually described as dark brown.

Actually, universally, the word "roux" only refers to the flour/butter
mixture that you begin to cook before you add anything else. Our US white
sauces are based on that, where the roux is only cooked long enough to
blend the butter and flour and eliminate the raw flour taste. Then milk or
cream, or other liquid may be added to make the sauce. "Roux" is not the
sauce itself.

Does that make sense?

Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 06(VI)/17(XVII)/08(MMVIII)
The brain you have reached is out of
order at this time.