Thread: Supper tonight
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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Supper tonight

On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 01:36:06 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:

>I have backslid, too, and it really ****es me off that I let it happen.
>We're being very good at present and beginning to see results. There are
>only two upcoming events that I *plan* to be bad. The first is the 4th of
>July, and the second is in late July for a dear friend's 90th birthday
>party. I am baking the cakes and I never bake anything I don't eat. :-)
>There will also be a goodly variety of "forbidden" foods. Then it's
>immediately back on WW for us.

I have been really bad lately too. And I didn't help it tonight by
making a loaf of the bread from the Artisan bread book. It has been
calling to me....

Maybe this summer we can help each other by posting some of the
recipes that we are using...for weight loss, for healthy eating, etc.
I have really become conscious of it in the last few days, with the
death of Tim Russert. I know that eating healthily can only help
